Jelastic, a provider of platform-as-a-service (PaaS) solutions, has announced the release of a new PHP hosting service.
Initially offered as a Java service, Jelastic’s new PHP PaaS runs applications without code changes and offers advanced options for experienced programmers. Jelastic is known for its advanced functionality that is both easy to use and flexible and powerful enough for experts.
However, unlike most PaaS offerings, it does not require code adaptation, so anyone can deploy a PHP application in the cloud in just a few clicks. However, experienced IT specialists will find the advanced features necessary to satisfy their demands, Jelastic officials said.
“We are very excited to announce Jelastic for PHP, with the features and flexibility to host and scale complex PHP applications,” said Ruslan Synytsky, CEO of Jelastic, in a statement. “We’ve made it easier than ever to develop and run PHP apps, without vendor lock-in, in the data center of your choice, worldwide. For innovative hosting companies, our channel program offers the next-level cloud services needed to compete with the big guys.”
When visitor demand requires deploying PHP applications across multiple nodes, Jelastic ensures high availability and horizontal scalability with just a few clicks. Built-in cluster management capabilities enable applications to easily scale up or down.
Applications receive as much CPU and RAM as needed for each server node. If load increases, resources are instantly reallocated to meet demands. Jelastic users never overpay for unnecessarily large “server instances,” and do not need to manage resources.
Meanwhile, each server node executes in a virtual container in complete isolation, even when it runs on the same physical server. Container isolation provides security and resource usage protection of applications from one another.
The cloud setup is simple, enabling users to select — and easily switch between — PHP versions, configure PHP settings, network ports, public IP addresses and more. Unlike infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS), Jelastic manages everything for the user, so users stay focused on their application and not on their environment.
The solution is flexible for any application, as users can select Apache or NGINX application servers, SQL (MariaDB, PostgresSQL, MySQL) or NoSQL (MongoDB, CouchDB) databases, and Memcached. Multiple PHP extensions and most modules are available. And Git or SVN integration makes deployment simple, the company said. In addition, users can easily test, stage and deploy applications to production without code changes and swap or clone environments for production pushes or troubleshooting.
PHP for Jelastic is currently available in the United States with ServInt, in Russia with Rusonyx, in Germany with dogado, in the UK with Layershift, in Japan with Tsukaeru, in Finland with Planeetta, and with Websolute in Brazil. Developers can test their PHP applications on Jelastic for free at