Microsofts C# language is moving to Second Life.
On Dec. 8, Microsoft will hold a Microsoft C# Day on the Second Life virtual world platform to introduce C# to developers that are new to the language.
“We are finally having our first big event in Second Life,” Zain Naboulsi, an MSDN (Microsoft Developer Network) developer evangelist, wrote in a blog post on Nov. 30. “C# Day promises to be a great experience for those who are new to the C# Language and want to learn more about it.”
Users of Second Life can go to the Microsoft Visual Studio Island and register at the kiosk. Those who are new to Second Life or who want to know more can find information on the event at the C# Day info page.
Naboulsi said Microsoft has capped the registration for the event at 40 people, “so make sure to register ASAP,” he added.
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According to the C# Day agenda, developers will learn some of the most common and powerful features of the C# language. And Microsoft claims that by the end of the class, developers should be confident in their ability to write C# programs. Moreover, no prior experience is necessary, the company said.
The introduction to C# programming will not be lecture-based, but will feature a series of participatory activities. There will be fewer than 30 minutes of lecture material, Microsoft said.
All participants must have Visual Studio or Visual C# Express, as well as the InnerWorkings developer platform, installed.
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