Like the old man in the movie “Monty Python and the Holy Grail,” the Netscape browser has been proclaimed dead many times, only to quietly respond, “Im not dead yet.”
The latest news pushing the browser to an early grave came from Netscape itself, when company officials said that in six months you wont look at Netscape as a browser company. Now, in fairness, the comment by Netscape President Jim Bankoff was more about Netscapes repositioning as an AOL Time Warner portal than a declaration of its death. But it was clear that the browser will become somewhat of an unwanted stepchild.
In eWeek Labs opinion, this is probably a good thing. The Netscape browser is already falling behind its open-source twin, the Mozilla browser, in flexibility and features.
As in the Monty Python movie, it may take someone clubbing the Netscape browser over the head to finally put it out of its misery. But even if it finally dies, the open-source Mozilla browser will continue to carry on the legacy of the original Netscape browser.