As the Katt traveled out west recently, he felt like one of the pioneers when he cast his gaze across the wide-open expanses. Unfortunately, the Kitty was standing on the concourse of the Los Angeles Convention Center during last weeks Internet World show. Not only was attendance sparse and the vendor booths a bit spread out, but also His Hirsuteness found that the show wasnt exactly Internet-ready, either.
For one thing, vendors had serious trouble demonstrating Web-based applications due to the low-bandwidth T-1 lines connected to booths.
In addition, some of the Furballs fellow journalists were miffed to find that phone switches in the shows pressroom didnt support 888 toll-free numbers—a huge faux pas that left many scribes unable to dial up their home offices.
Prowling the show floor, the ponderous Puss was surprised to find Macromedias booth pushing only its “core competency” development tools like Dreamweaver, Shockwave and Flash. The Katt recalled that, back in late 1999, when Macromedia bought Andromedia, the company applauded that the acquisition supplied it with the Web products Likeminds and Aria. The products were touted as completing Macromedia, giving the company not only the tools to develop a Web site but also the ability to deliver a personalized Web experience and to track site visits.
This year, Likeminds and Aria were conspicuously absent from Macromedias booth, and the Tabby was told that they are sold exclusively through the companys VAR channel as little more than add-ons to its core tools.
Hewlett-Packard just became the first big player to enter the new PC subscription market, but El Gato hears it wont be the last. A trusted Katt crony tells the Furry One that Gateway has been eyeing the PC sub biz as a way to provide a new continuous revenue stream. “Pretty soon, companies like CenterBeam and Everdream may be yelling Who Let the Dogs Out,” mused the Mouser.
It seems Computer Associates wants its employees to understand the significance of the companys new logo and slogan, “The Software That Manages eBusiness.” According to a tattler, the company has been conducting a campaign of random calls to quiz its employees on the significance of the new branding. Managers are notified when one of their team members incorrectly answers questions on the brand positioning, said the Furball fan. The managers are then reportedly asked to reorient their groups on the new initiatives. The uninformed team member is then quizzed again within two weeks of the notice. “Im glad they dont quiz me here at eWeek,” quipped the Kitty. “I wouldnt even remember what I had for lunch if it wasnt for the stains on my tie.”
A pal of the Furball claims that the marketing group for Microsofts Sharepoint Portal Server, formerly called Tahoe, has found a unique way to help employees adjust to the products new name. One of the marketing managers set up the corporate equivalent of the old-fashioned “cuss” jar. Now, whenever a Microsoft flak uses the code name Tahoe instead of the new, formal product name, he or she has to add $5 to the kitty. “No pun intended,” cackled the Katt.