Clarizen, an early entry 12 years ago into the collaborative work management market, on April 4 augmented its feature set to make the platform more efficient to use among enterprise team members.
The spring 2017 upgrade to Clarizen’s current cloud-based service offering includes a reporting tool that makes it quick and easy to create company-branded presentations for meetings with multiple stakeholders, whether executives, partners or customers; and a financial planning module to manage and monitor a project’s financial health.
A new library of best practices to help enterprises get up and running faster on Clarizen is also now available, Vice-President of Product Yoav Boaz told eWEEK.
Clarizen’s collaborative work management solution provides a full-fledged project planning and execution package that facilitates collaboration and improves productivity levels so that project leaders and their teams can get their work done on time and on budget, Boaz said.
New Feature: Slide Publisher
Clarizen’s Slide Publisher features a wizard-based tool for creating branded presentations with project data collected from team members, using the organization’s standard corporate branding and reporting template. Staff members using this tool won’t have to waste hours collecting data from disparate sources and manually copying and pasting information into a presentation. Users can now create branded a PowerPoint template for project reporting that is available across the entire organization.
New Feature: Financial Planning
The new Financial Planning module combines a spreadsheet for data entry with the control and structure that large organizations require for tracking a project’s business impact and financial status at scale, and over time.
Financial Planning includes the ability to track actuals, budgets and forecasts of project costs and revenue; identify capital and operational expenses, including both billable and non-billable; and easily identify variances over the entire project duration. The platform makes it simple for project managers to track and analyze financials across the entire life of the project, to gain foresight earlier into financial overruns and to allow effective collaboration between project leaders and the financial team.
New Feature: Project Overview
Clarizen’s Project Overview feature enables users to mix key project data inside Clarizen with custom-designed content.
New Feature: Excel Import
Clarizen’s new Excel Import is an enterprise grade feature that allows companies to migrate their projects from Microsoft Excel to Clarizen, saving considerable time. It enables users to work offline, share updatable data with external stakeholders and bring in data from third-party tools in seconds. The module makes it easy to import data directly from Microsoft Excel to add or update existing Work Items, Cases, People, Customers, Groups or Data Objects into Clarizen.
The Clarizen spring 2017 release is now available at no charge to existing Clarizen customers. All Clarizen customers get bi-weekly product updates, which include new features in preview mode, as well as major scheduled quarterly releases with new functionality and enhancements.
The new financial planning module is accessible via a controlled availability program. Interested customers should contact their customer success manager.
For additional information, go here.