Users who want to get their news feeds from the same place they browse the Internet should take a look at Pluck, a newsreader from a company by the same name. The free newsreader integrates with Microsofts Internet Explorer and allows users to read news feeds from within the browser. Microsoft Outlook users will find the interface familiar and easy to navigate.
Ive been using a beta version of Pluck, Version 0.9.5, for a couple of months. For the price—free—its hard to beat. Plucks RSS Reader allows me to subscribe to RSS feeds by dragging and dropping the orange XML icon from a feed subscription site and into Pluck. The reader also supports OPML import and both RSS and Atom feeds. Feeds can be updated every 15 minutes.
Plucks tools allowed me to share Web pages with colleagues, as well as sort and filter queries completed on Amazon, eBay and Google. Pluck works only with IE, so users of Mozillas Firefox and other browsers are out of luck. So are Mac users—youll need Windows 2000 or later to run this application.
More information is available at
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