PPTshare, a company that specializes in providing performance-enhancing presentation products for both single users and businesses, announced Oct. 24 the launching of the PPTshare File Compressor, a desktop application that decreases the size of PowerPoint files to make it easier for sharing and distribution.
PPTshare claims its product can reduce the size of PowerPoint presentation files by up to 95 percent without surrendering image quality, which gives users the opportunity to send out e-mails quicker.
“Todays multimedia-savvy user is building PowerPoint presentations loaded with pictures, graphs, video and sound bytes,” said James Ontra, CEO of Ontra Presentations. “These files can be 100 megabytes or more, and most computer networks are not equipped to handle that kind of volume.”
According to PPTshare, its File Compressor removes the problem of transferring large files back and forth across a companys server, which often leads to crashes within a companys network. The File Compressor allows users to drag the PPT file over to the compressor icon and then the user can send the smaller, more compact file to coworkers, the company said.
The reduced file will pass through e-mail in more quickly because of its smaller size. Users who receive the condensed file should be able to open it normally without using additional software.
“Our PPTshare File Compressor is extremely easy to use and actually enhances the performance of media-rich presentations, allowing them to load and play in significantly less time,” said Ontra.
The File Compressor, which is available now, is priced at $45 for individual users after the first 10 initial uses. Multiple users are provided with discounts.
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