LAS VEGAS—EMC is an awfully big company with a lot of resources, but no company can supply every thing and every service in a given IT “need” situation.
That’s when partnerships come in handy. When it comes to DevOps, that trendy term that identifies automated solutions built by both development and operations people, EMC needed some help in this area, so it turned to Puppet Labs for assistance.
Puppet Labs, with 10 full years in the DevOps business before the term became commonplace, told eWEEK at EMC World 2015 here on May 6 that it is has signed an agreement with EMC to bring DevOps tools and practices to enterprises around the globe.
DevOps used to be called “agile infrastructure,” a term that is a lot wordier—and doesn’t fit into headlines quite as well. Whatever one calls it, this is about building hybrid clouds with plenty of automated features quickly and efficiently.
Off the top, it appears to be a good deal for both companies. EMC, with 70,000 full-time employees and a huge sales force, has the world reach with its global sales, service and marketing, and Puppet Labs has the new-gen cloud automation development expertise that EMC lacks.
Puppet Enterprise, a de facto standard for managing infrastructure as code—and, in fact, has its own codebase—is now available as an extension of EMC’s Federation Enterprise Hybrid Cloud.
In addition to the product integrations, EMC and Puppet Labs are joining to launch a DevOps Readiness program that is designed to help users progress in adopting DevOps and hybrid clouds so they can iterate more quickly, deploy new software faster and translate that to wins in the marketplace.
Puppet Enterprise is available for resale through EMC as a Select partner in the EMC Business Partner Program for Technology Connect.
Portland-based Puppet Labs, which has 375 employees and this month celebrated its 10th year in business, now has 25,000 companies using its software platform. It revenue over the last three years is up an astounding 3,800 percent, Director of Product Marketing Tim Zonca told eWEEK.