Enterprise software developer SAP AG on Thursday announced new customer interaction center capabilities in Version 4.0 of its mySAP CRM product.
The new analytic capabilities in the customer relationship management software suite are designed to improve inbound marketing operations, such as generating better personalized cross-sell and up-sell opportunities for call center agents who need to do a better job of retaining customers in the wake of Do Not Call Registry legislation, officials said.
While past SAP interaction center technology was tied to generating recommendations based on customer preferences, the new SAP technology provides “real-time” analytics for the first time, said officials of the Walldorf, Germany, company. The software will be able to drive specific scripts to agents based on the statistical likelihood that the customer is to churn.
Other new features in this release include a work-force management component that forwards customers and scripts to specific agents deemed most likely to have success with that customer. The number of agents on duty during peak and slow periods can also be adjusted to match call flow and be kept in sync with marketing campaigns, SAP officials said.
Another new feature is a universal interface for integration of mySAP CRM with third-party communications products to provide better multichannel capabilities and a new Web interface thats more consistent with mySAP CRMs Windows interface and runs off the same mySAP CRM server.
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