Adobe Systems is launching the beta version of its Photoshop CS3 digital imaging software, which will now allow users to shift to newer hardware platforms, such as Apple Computers new Intel-based systems.
The San Jose, Calif., company is scheduled to start rolling out the Photoshop CS3 beta on Dec. 15. In addition to being a universal binary for the Intel-based Macintosh platform, the beta will work with Microsoft Windows and the Windows Vista operating system, Adobe said in a statement.
“This is an exciting time for the Mac, and Adobe wanted to ease the move to new Intel-based systems with a preview release of Photoshop CS3,” said John Loiacono, senior vice president of Creative Solutions Business Unit at Adobe, in a company release.
Photoshop CS3 beta will include a pre-release of a major upgrade to the Adobe Bridge software and a preview release of the new Adobe Device Central, which will allow users to create and display mobile content on a smaller screen.
Adobe Device Central will also help users speed up the creation of mobile content through a preview environment and through included device profiles.
The full version of Photoshop CS3 will be available in 2007.
To access the English-only beta, users will need a serial number from either Adobe Photoshop CS2, Adobe Creative Suite 2, Adobe Creative Suite Production Studio, Adobe Design Bundle, Adobe Web Bundle or Adobe Video Bundle.
In addition to the Photoshop beta, Adobe launched beta versions of Adobe CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) Advisor and Adobe Spry framework.
The CSS Advisor is a Web-based community that allows Web designers to recognize browser compatibility issues. The software will allow designers to contribute their own issues, comment on existing issues or become site editors.
The beta of Adobe Spry framework for AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is a Web designer platform, which will help create Web sites.