Shrinking world
Is your business park too remote for a DSL? Net to Net Technologies Inc., a Portsmouth, N.H., provider of Ethernet-based IP broadband access products, will soon roll out an IP digital subscriber line access multiplexer thats small enough to be installed almost anywhere, helping carriers extend DSL service into hard-to-reach areas.
Voice, data uplinks
The Sirius S_D2000-6 and S_D2000-12 MicroDSLAMs provide six to 12 synchronous DSL ports at speeds up to 2.3M bps. They include uplinks for voice and data in a self-contained chassis.
Advanced functions
The multiplexers offer several advanced functions, including IP quality of service, voice-over-DSL support and Web-based device management. Such capabilities are designed to give service providers more ways to differentiate their offerings. The S_D2000-6 and S_D2000-12 are due this quarter.