Coradiant Inc. is looking to raise the bar on Web performance management with its latest OutSight tool. Version 1.7 includes enhancements to the software-as-a-service technology for tracking and tweaking Web sites performance.
Coradiant, which competes most directly with Mercury Interactive Corp., added the ability to collaborate among members of a customers IT staff and between Coradiant technicians and customers. Customers can share incidents and views with Coradiant engineers in its performance management center.
“Customers understand the applications they wrote, and we understand application performance and what normal looks like,” said Coradiant Chief Technology Officer Eric Packman, in Waltham, Mass. “When we see abnormal patterns in someones data, we wont know why. So we have to work with the customer to provide information about scale changes, capacity and speed issues. So we can say, This has suddenly changed. Did you know about it? Or Please tell us why this changed because it can severely affect users.”
Much of that interaction is facilitated by opening access to Coradiants OutSight Dashboard. Dashboards can be customized to present data most relevant to individual roles or responsibilities.
“You can instantly see everything about the whole net from the CEOs point of view or from the guy who wrote the applications point of view or from the VP of engineerings point of view,” said Packman. “You can click on a button and say, Hey, look at this particular view. You can tell someone, Look at this, and tell me what you think. You both can work from the same live data.”
Dashboards can be customized to provide views that summarize application performance, system errors, business metrics and user satisfaction. The views can be shared, edited and published across the OutSight Performance Network, according to officials.
The latest release of the software, sold on a monthly subscription basis as part of a managed service, is also faster. Overall, it is about twice as fast as the previous version, although users working with a slow modem connection will see a performance boost of about four or five times, Packman said.
OutSight uses a small probe, installed at a customers facility, that can be programmed to gather performance metrics. The probe sends relevant data to Coradiants network operations center, where the centers engineers monitor the availability of a customers Web site.
When outages occur, Coradiant engineers call specific people at a customers IT organization to notify them of the outage. Performance management engineers also monitor the customers Web site traffic for abnormalities.
OutSight Version 1.7 is available now. The service can be downloaded from Coradiants Web site.