Confluent Software Inc. on Monday updated its Web services management tools with new features that let large businesses better control and monitor their Web services.
Officials at the Sunnyvale, Calif., company said version 3.5 of the Confluent Web Services Management Platform lets businesses centrally manage and track the performance and security of every Web service, including those deployed in different departments.
Earlier versions of the software could only manage Web services at the department level, Confluent officials said.
A new feature in Version 3.5 enables IT staff to define and enforce company-wide security and quality-of-service polices for Web services, but also gives departments within a company the leeway to set specific policies for their own Web services. For example, IT staff can define and enforce security polices for Web services throughout the enterprise, but departments can specify their own policies for quality-of-service.
Confluent executives said its technology, which supports Java 2 Enterprise Edition and Microsofts .Net environment, allows companies to leverage their existing infrastructure. The Confluent technology enables users to define policies for their Web services through a browser without the need to write code or tinker with existing applications, the company said.
Other new features in version 3.5 include lifecycle management, support for the Java Message Service and IBMs WebSphere MQ messaging protocols and support for the latest XML and Web services standards, the company said. Version 3.5 is available now with prices starting at $50,000. Confluent officials added that the company later this quarter will release another new version featuring support for C++ applications and Tibco Software Inc.s BusinessWorks integration software.