Software-as-a-service specialist DataMotion announced it achieved accreditation with the Direct Trusted Agent Accreditation Program as both a Certificate Authority and Registration Authority from and the Electronic Healthcare Network Accreditation Commission.
EHNAC evaluated DataMotion in areas of privacy, security and confidentiality, technical performance, business practices and organizational resources as it relates to Directed exchange participants.
In addition, EHNAC reviewed DataMotion’s process of managing and transferring protected health information (PHI) and determined the organization meets or exceeds all EHNAC criteria and industry standards.
“There are several facets of the health care ecosystem that can benefit from using DataMotion Direct,” Andy Nieto, health IT strategist for DataMotion, told eWEEK. “These include hospitals and health systems who want to use direct secure messaging to meet transitions of care requirements for Meaningful Use 2, and enable better patient care through more efficient exchange of patient information, or dentists, long term care facilities and other types of ancillary organizations not covered by MU2.”
Direct Trusted Agent accreditation recognizes excellence in health data processing and transactions, and ensures compliance with industry-established standards, HIPAA regulations and the Direct Project.
The accreditation means DataMotion can now verify, validate and issue digital certificates, which can expedite the process required for secure communications.
Already a DTAAP accredited Health Information Service Provider (HISP), the designations makes DataMotion a complete HISP with an ability to issue commercial and federal certificates.
“DataMotion maintains a security officer and vigilant full time monitoring of all of its protected environments,” Nieto explained. “DataMotion security is demonstrated by its commitment to maintaining accreditation as a HISP. The accreditation includes regular audits to ensure compliance with industry standards for security.”
At the core of the HISP’s offerings is DataMotion Direct, designed to help solve the interoperability issues preventing the sharing of patient data between electronic health record (EHR) and clinical systems, health care providers, business associates and patients.
The cloud-based platform enables PHI to be sent and received securely, in a manner that conforms to HIPAA and MU2 guidelines.
Direct also supports a variety of sensitive data, including C-CDA transition of care documents, medical images and personal messages, and the platform integrates with existing systems to support in-network and out-of-network communications.
DataMotion’s ability to issue the certificates means health care organizations have a more efficient way to handle growth and expand workflows into commercial and federal areas without changing HISPs and on-board staff with Direct Secure Messaging addresses for the secure exchange of PHI.
“Using cloud technology, health care has begun to expand its resources and its reach, often at a lower cost. By looking outside the four walls of the hospital they are often able to manage and exchange data to improve quality of care, in a much more global fashion,” Nieto said. “They are also able to leverage the resources of care providers in a regions ecosystem, to better understand and address the care coordination requirements within the community.”
He also noted cloud computing further enables and expands the ability of a hospital or health system to address the population health and data analytics required to lower overall costs of health care.