Alaska Citizens Get Best Online Access
Looking for online access to your state government? In the United States, the residents of Alaska have the best Internet access to laws, government officials and other sources of government information, according to the fourth annual Digital State Survey, conducted by the Center for Digital Government, in Folsom, Calif.
Following Alaska in the digital democracy arena are South Carolina, Nebraska, Kansas and Nevada.
New Jersey, on the other hand, was named No. 1 in the surveys management and administration category. The state was recognized for its administration of information technologies, including the appointment of a CIO, the deployment of a statewide architecture and the rollout of intergovernmental IT projects.
Your E-Commerce Tax Bill Is Coming
Shopping online to avoid paying sales tax could come back to haunt you. According to a study by the Center for Business and Research at the University of Tennessee, in Knoxville, state and local governments will lose $13.3 billion in revenue this year from online purchases excused from sales taxes. Projected annual revenue losses jump to $45.2 billion in 2006 and to $54.8 billion by 2011, should business-to-business e-commerce activity pick up.
To make up for those e-commerce-related losses, states and local governments would have to raise their sales tax rates 0.83 to 1.73 percentage points by 2011, according to the study.