On Feb. 6, two days after Facebook’s fifth birthday, the social networking service announced new APIs for its Facebook Platform, allowing developers to access content and methods for sharing for Facebook Status, Notes, Links and Video.
This follows the launch of APIs for uploading and viewing via Facebook Photos, and allows developers to create new applications for the social networking service.
“Your application will have access to any status, notes or links from the active user or their friends that are currently visible to the active user,” said a Feb. 6 post on the Facebook Developers blog. “In addition, we’re opening new APIs for you to post links, create notes or upload videos for the current user, and we’ve made setting a user’s status easier.”
The post continued, “For example, a travel application could make it really easy for users to create and share notes and upload photos and videos from a recent trip. Users could then display that content within a profile tab for that app.”
On Feb. 5, Facebook announced that it would officially join the board of the OpenID Foundation, an organization that promotes open frameworks for users’ Web-based digital identities.
Both these developments have the blogosphere speculating that Facebook is taking a more open-platform stance in order to block a possible threat from Twitter.