IBMs Rational division on Tuesday announced plans to standardize its automated software quality tools on an open-source platform, and the company also launched its new Continuously Ensure Quality (CEQ) initiative.
IBM Corp.s Rational division, based in Lexington, Mass., said it is standardizing its testing tools on the Hyades open-source software quality platform. Hyades is a subset of the Eclipse open-source development platform.
Meanwhile, IBM said its CEQ initiative will help customers address the issue of software quality and improve the process of crafting software. Company officials said poorly made software costs businesses and other organizations more than $22 billion a year.
With CEQ, IBM is hoping to get organizations to think about quality early in the development process, essentially baking quality into the process at every phase, the company said.
The Hyades project began in 2002 and provides an infrastructure for tool interoperability to unify software quality efforts across development projects. IBM is making its Rational testing tools Hyades-compliant.
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