Cloud based ambulatory electronic health record (EHR) and mobile health (mHealth) specialist iPatientCare announced it will demonstrate the Meaningful Use stage 2 Certified and International Classification of Diseases (ICD)-10 Ready EHR and integrated practice management software (PMS), patient portal and Health Information Systems Programme (HISP) at the HIMSS health care convention in Orlando in Februray.
The company will also be unveiling value-added services of revenue cycle management, Meaningful Use-MUPlus, and RegistryPlus that are designed to help physicians and their colleagues with complete or modular billing services and submission of quality data to various registries.
“iPatientCare HISP is a path-breaking product with robust implementation of the Direct Project and it facilitates electronic Transmission of Care among Care Providers and between iPatientCare providers and their patients,” Shripal Shah, senior technology officer for iPatientCare, said in a statement. “Again, iPatientCare HISP is a generic B2B product that can serve any provider and/or EHR vendor.”
iPatientCare will also exhibit miPatientCare, a native iPad based full-featured EHR and unveil Revenue Cycle Management and other value-added services. In addition, there will be demonstrations of the Meaningful Use Stage 2 certified EHR and integrated practice management system, Patient Portal and iPatientCare HISP that will provide integrated direct mail capabilities to all iPatientCare EHR users.
“Growth of iPatientCare as a national level vendor and thought leader in inpatient and outpatient health record segment comes from not only its Awards-winning, SaaS product suite but from the value-added services we offer,” Udayan Mandavia, the company’s CEO and president, said in a statement. “iPatientCare’s value-adds for Revenue Cycle Management, Meaningful Use attestation and audit support, and generation and submission of quality reports to various registries set iPatientCare apart from small, typical software vendors.”
The company also announced iPatientCare EHR 2014 (2.0) has received 2014 Edition Ambulatory Complete EHR certification by ICSA Labs, an Office of the National Coordinator-Authorized Certification Body (ONC-ACB), in accordance with the applicable eligible professional certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS).
Earlier this month, the company announced iPatientCare EHR on the native Apple platform is one of the most downloaded iPad-based EHR applications for the physicians and other health care providers.Some of the important features of miPatientCare app are its customization and personalization.
The app allows clinicians to add or update clinical information, review an appointment list, access patient summary information with drill-down access to details when necessary, capture complete patient encounters and document a visit note, and ePrescribe with drug interaction checking and electronic transmission to pharmacies.