You might want to sit down for this one. According to a survey released Sept. 20 by the New York-based Hudson Index, many bosses dont have a clue about how their employees feel about their managerial skills.
According to the results, 92 percent of managers consider themselves to be good or excellent bosses, but only 67 percent of employees agree.
In fact, 10 percent of workers think their bosses are doing an awful job. Managers, however, were less critical of their boss performance, with 73 percent indicating they are doing an excellent job, versus 63 percent of non-managers.
The survey also revealed that many bosses may not have a clue about how their employees feel about their managerial skills, as only 26 percent of the workforce is given the opportunity to formally review their managers performance. Of these, 73 percent believe their feedback is taken seriously.
“Reviews cannot provide a complete picture of a managers performance if you are not looking at how they are perceived by workers reporting to them,” said Robert Morgan, chief operating officer, Hudson Talent Management, in a statement.
“Not only are 360-degree reviews a good opportunity to assess an employees capabilities as a manager, but they also let workers know that their opinions are valued, regardless of where they sit in the organization.”
Strategic or organizational changes are rarely announced to the people further down the ladder, according to the survey. Half of workers reported that they are rarely, if ever, apprised of this information, though they do report knowledge of major announcements.
Meanwhile, 26 percent of managers said they dont receive adequate training to handle their managerial responsibilities.
When asked what would happen if their bosses left the company, only 41 percent of employees believed that it was very or somewhat likely that they would be offered their managers job.
Of these, only 54 percent actually want it, though the number jumps to 65 percent among those making more than $75,000 annually.
Current managers, versus non-managers, were the most eager to step into their bosses shoes (62 versus 46 percent). Employees closer to their retirement were less interested than those in their thirties (47 versus 61 percent).
Men were more 13 percent more likely to be interested in stepping into their bosss position than woman. Workers with children at home were 14 percent more likely in assuming their bosses job than those without kids.
“Particularly as a company thinks about retaining older workers, it is important to note that employees motivations often vary depending on their stage of life,” said Morgan.