Jumping Ship
Independent from WorldCom as it may be, the inevitable post-acquisition brain drain has hit Digex in a big way. Nancy Faigen, president of the sales and service delivery group, has jumped ship to run Voxeo, a Silicon Valley start-up that voice-enables Web apps. The Ear also hears Brian Gernert, senior vice president of sales, has left the building. Bobbie Patrick, formerly vice president of strategy and business development, has also left and is looking to take with him a complete set of old-timers — Charlie Boyle, Andy Hunn and Steve Keifer. The exodus might next hit USinternetworking, as departing crews take over technology start-ups. What will be left in Beltsville, Md.? Digex without its heart and soul, some say.
Seeking Help
Calling all venture capitalists! Content distributor Adero is apparently in dire need of one last cash fix. Adero has repositioned itself as a wholesaler of content distribution network services to ISPs and Web hosters, and expects to break even next year. However, even after layoffs and unit divestitures, the company may run out of cash.
Empty Promises
Twelve happy salespeople are the very least content distributor Speedera Networks is looking to get out of its recent $20 million financing round. Having raised some $40 million since its launch, and having pretty much built out its 100 points of presence and 20-country edge network, Speedera expects to double its sales force, the Ear hears, and will let new hires choose from plum postings in Western European and Asia Pacific locales.