The Hydrogen One smartphone, which features 4-View holographic display will be sold by Verizon and AT&T for use on their 4G cellular networks starting later in 2018.
AT&T and Verizon announced their plans to sell the handsets manufactured by Red in separate announcements on May 17.
Unique to the Red Hydrogen One is its 5.7-inch holographic display, which will allow users to view images and capture video with new capabilities, making it a tool for video content creators, business social media personnel, enterprise marketing professionals and other business content creation workers who want to promote their brands in new ways.
The built-in 4-View holographic display is like 3D without having to use 3D glasses and is paired with multi-dimensional surround sound, industrial design elements and expansion capabilities that will allow users to swap in series of modules with various optional handset features.
“Red Hydrogen One was designed with cutting-edge technology that simply can’t be described. You have to hold it in your hands and experience it yourself to understand why this is such a mobile game changer,” Brian Higgins, vice president of device and consumer product marketing for Verizon, said in a statement.
To take advantage of the capabilities of the Hydrogen One handsets, Red is also set to launch what it calls its Hydrogen Network, which will feature 4-View video content channel displaying films, music and games created by developers, musicians and directors, alongside independent creators, according to Verizon.
Neither Verizon or AT&T have announced exact dates for the release of the handsets. Verizon says it will be available later this year, while AT&T says it expects them to be available later this summer.
Prices and additional specifications have also not been announced, though the phones were available for preorder earlier from Red for $1,295 in aluminum or $1,595 in titanium, according to the company’s website. Preorders are no longer being accepted by the company.
AT&T said it will offer previews of the Hydrogen One handsets June 2 to June 3 at its AT&T Shape event in Los Angeles before the phones are released to the public.
The smartphone “will provide you with significant advancements in the way you create and view content on the leading network for entertainment,” Kevin Petersen, senior vice president of device and network services marketing for AT&T said in a statement. “When the Red Hydrogen One launches, you’ll be able to look around, below and into your screen’s image with a 4-View holographic display, which is even better than 3D.”
For enterprises, the handset will offer new possibilities for sharing information, news, products and social media content.