Intel Corp. on Monday released its fastest mobile processor yet, a 2.2GHz mobile Pentium 4-M, and 10 other mobile chip upgrades targeted for use in full-size, mini- and sub-notebooks as well as the emerging market for Tablet PCs.
The new processors range across Intels extensive line of mobile offerings, and include low-voltage and ultra-low-voltage Pentium IIIs, designed for use in compact computing devices where energy efficiency and cooler run chips that dont require fans are desired to help extend battery life.
The most powerful chip released Monday by Intel, based in Santa Clara, Calif., was the 2.2GHz Pentium 4-M, priced at $562, and targeted for use in full-size notebooks designed for use as a desktop replacement.
Other processors issued Monday include a 1.33GHz mobile Pentium III-M, priced at $508; a 1.26GHz Pentium III-M, offered at $401; a low-voltage 1GHz Pentium III-M, priced at $316; an ultra-low voltage 866MHz Pentium III-M, for $209; and an ultra-low-voltage 850MHz Pentium III-M, offered at $209.
Intel also released new mobile Celeron processors targeted for use in low-cost notebooks. The latest additions to the mobile Celeron line include a 1.8GHz, priced at $149; a 1.7GHz, for $134; and a 1.6GHz, for $112. The chip maker also released two ultra-low-voltage Celerons, offered 733MHz and 700MHz, and both priced at $144.
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