Its a good bet that it managers who have the difficult task of tracking laptops in the field also deal with the problem of enumerating and updating handheld devices.
With the release last month of Callisto Software Inc.s Orbiter 4.0 and Mobile Automation Inc.s Mobile Automation 2000 3.7, IT departments now have a choice of tools that ease the chore of managing this hard-to-follow group of machines.
However, most organizations will get more benefit from Mobile Automation 2000 because it supports Palm Computing Inc.s Palm devices and handhelds that run Windows CE. Orbiter supports only Palm OS.
Mobile Automation 2000 also includes a remote control tool that made it easy for us to view and manipulate managed PCs; Orbiter has no such tool.
Orbiter 4.0 does beat Mobile Automation on price. Orbiter is priced at $5,000 per management server, $100 per seat for laptops and $30 per Palm device.
Mobile Automation 2000 costs $8,995 per management server and $85 per PC. The company does not provide agents for handheld devices.
XcelleNet Inc.s comparable Afaria mobile resource manager costs $12,500 per management server, $160 per PC and $50 per handheld device.
Currently, all mobile device management tools exist as islands unto themselves, with only minimal integration with LAN-based inventory and software distribution tools. However, the latest updates of Mobile Automation 2000 and Orbiter integrate with Microsoft Corp.s SMS (Systems Management Server.)
For example, we used the Mobile Automation setting from the SMS console to send software to remote laptops.
This task would have been nearly impossible to manage with SMS alone because SMS is designed for fat LAN connections.
Although Orbiter can now integrate with Peregrine Systems Inc.s ServiceCenter, none of these mobile management products can be easily used with common LAN asset management tools such as Tally Systems Inc.s TS.Census. This means IT managers will have to support two different inventory systems. We think the onus is on the mobile toolmakers to accelerate the integration process.
Mobile Automation 2000
Mobile Automation 2000 3.7 includes LiveSupport, a remote control utility that we used as a troubleshooting tool; customizable inventory reports; and integration with Microsofts Active Directory and any Lightweight Directory Access Protocol-compliant directory.
LiveSupport was especially useful because we went right from looking at the extensive inventory to a remote control session, thereby assisting users much more quickly than we could have by using stand-alone remote control tools.
The customized reports, which are rendered as HTML pages, are based on Windows Management Interface and DMI standards and are thorough, providing enough information for even the most finicky software distribution job.
Managers should beware that because Mobile Automation does not have agents for Palm or Pocket PC devices, software and hardware inventory information for these devices is sketchy.
Callisto Orbiter 4.0
Orbiter 4.0 installs an agent on palm devices to nicely extend the reach of the software distribution and asset management tool. Version 4.0 also neatly handles these duties for laptop computers.
Installing new software on Palm IIIc and m105 devices was only slightly harder than pressing the hotsync button on the docking cradle. Orbiter gathered much more information about the software on the Palm devices than did Mobile Automation 2000.
Orbiter is now equipped with a connector to Microsofts SMS that made it easy for us to integrate software distributions to LAN-connected and dial-up PCs and Palms.
Orbiter 4
Orbiter 4.0
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Callistos updated software distribution and asset management tool helps IT managers maintain infrequently connected laptops and Palm devices. Using an agent on the target system, Orbiter manages software updates while maintaining an accurate inventory of the system.
SHORT-TERM BUSINESS IMPACT // There is no way around it: Managing mobile systems is costly, and organizations will pay premium prices to get a handle on the difficult task of keeping accurate records of machines in the field.
LONG-TERM BUSINESS IMPACT // Organizations should see the cost of maintaining laptops and even Palm devices go down the longer Orbiter is in place, because help desk calls become more productive and machine inventory becomes more accurate.
Accurate inventory of Palm devices and laptops; useful task wizards.
Lacks remote control; no agents for Pocket PC devices.
Callisto Software Inc., Wheaton, Ill.; (630)682-8200;
Mobile Automation 2000 3
Mobile Automation 2000 3.7
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Mobile Automations namesake product distributes software to laptops and handheld devices including Palm and Pocket PCs, while also collecting inventory information. Version 3.7 supplies trouble-shooting via remote control.
SHORT-TERM BUSINESS IMPACT // Like other products in this category, Mobile Automation is pricey. However, the tools ability to aid help desk staff in finding most distribution or inventory problems will help cost.
LONG-TERM BUSINESS IMPACT // Costs of tracking and maintaining devices will decrease the longer Mobile Automation is in use.
Detailed inventory and reports; nimble remote control; basic ability to track Palm and Pocket PCs.
No agents for handhelds means little data is collected; high price.
Mobile Automation Inc., Santa Monica, Calif.; (310)914-9603;