Mobile Armor is now supplying wireless security solutions to the U.S. Secretary of Defense, said Chief Technology Officer and co-founder Bryan Glancey.
According to Glancey, the Office of the Secretary of Defense is the companys biggest customer for wireless security solutions.
“The Wireless Suite is a comprehensive security solution that Mobile Armor has developed for cellular endpoint devices,” Glancey, in St. Louis, told
“It protects cell phones and smart phones; it can centrally control, monitor and audit them on a daily basis,” he said.
Glancey said the Wireless Suite includes virus protection, an IP Security VPN component, encryption, a firewall, and a compliance and remediation engine.
“All of these parts are delivered over the air and installed on the devices—automatically updated, monitored and audited over the air,” he said.
Glancey said the Wireless Suite does more than just monitor whats going on, however. If a wireless device is lost or stolen, “It has ability to kill lost or stolen device over the air,” he said.
Glancey also said the Wireless Suite is designed to work with the same management console that Mobile Armor already provides for its more traditional wired network endpoints. He said the console allows a network administrator to find out what devices a user has on the network with a single click, now including wireless devices.
Currently, Mobile Armors suite will protect devices using Windows Mobile 2005, Pocket PC and devices using the Palm OS. Glancey said support for other operating systems, such as Symbian, is planned for a future release.
Glancey said the Wireless Suite, aimed at enterprise users as well as wireless carriers, has been chosen by a major wireless provider that he declined to name.