The high-end smartphone market is about to become a bit more crowded in the U.S. with the upcoming launch of Nokias Lumia 900. The smartphone, which will come in the customers color choice of blue, black or white, is being touted as yet the latest potentially strong competitor to Apples iPhone. Moreover, the devices $100 price tag with a two-year agreement is making many wonder if Apple might have to drop the price of its smartphone to compete.
However, all those arguments fail to see whats really happening in the mobile space, and the way in which Nokia is viewed by todays consumers. Although the company was once the worlds top mobile handset maker, its now losing its grip. And as nice as the Lumia 900 might be, its no match for the top smartphone on the market today, Apples iPhone. Simply put, all this talk of Nokia possibly hurting Apples iPhone falls short for several reasons.
Read on to find out why the Nokia Lumia 900 will never beat Apples iPhone:
1. This is Nokia, after all
Looking at Nokias current market share numbers, which have been in rapid decline, its not hard to wonder why so few people believe the company will be able to beat the iPhone. Nokia is losing its appeal to customers around the world, and to think that a single device can change that situation is outrageousespecially when its going up against the iPhone.
2. Windows Phone 7 wont cut it
Lets not forget that the Nokia Lumia 900 is running Windows Phone 7, an operating system that few consumers know and care about. Theres little debating that Windows Phone 7 is a worthwhile software platform that more people should try. But its no Apple iOS. Thus, there isnt exactly a stampede of users to try out Windows Phone 7. With Windows Phone 7 running on the Lumia 900, Nokias device has little chance of success.
3. The price turns people away
Some might say that by offering the Nokia Lumia 900 for $100 with a two-year agreement, the company might attract many more customers. But thats just not the case. Apples iPhone is the gold standard in the marketplace, and it retails for $200. Any device thats priced cheaper than that looks like an underpowered alternative. And thats exactly what the Lumia 900 looks like.
4. Nokias odd design ideas
Look at the Nokia Lumia 900 and compare the devices design to the iPhone 4S. Notice anything? Right: an oddly childlike design choice. The iPhone 4S features an elegant design that catches consumers eyes. The Nokia Lumia 900s choices of colors make it seem like any other Windows Phone 7 device on the market. The time has come for Nokia to care more about design.
Nokia Falls Short on Market Buzz
5. Apps
One of the biggest issues with Windows Phone 7 is its general lack of apps. Sure, it has about 50,000 applications at this point, but Apple has exponentially more than that in its App Store. Until Microsoft can figure out the application development issue discourages many developers from porting games to the platform, any one of todays Windows Phone 7-based devices will be left out in the cold.
6. Wheres the hype?
Did you know that the Nokia Lumia 900 was launching soon? No? Not many other people did, either. Unfortunately, even after all these years, Nokia still hasnt mastered the art of hype. Apple, meanwhile, has, and whenever one of its products is ready to launch, everyones talking about it. Until Nokia can deliver some hype, itll be hard for the Lumia to keep up.
7. The AT&T problem
Nokias Lumia 900 will only be available on AT&Ts network. In todays hotly contested market where devices are available on nearly every carriers service, thats a major liability for the device. Even Apples iPhone, which was once exclusive to AT&T, is now available on Verizon and Sprint networks. Exclusivity is a major liability nowadays.
8. LTE will almost undoubtedly come to the iPhone 5
One of the Lumia 900s trump cards, some folks say, is its 4G LTE connectivity. The iPhone 4S lacks connectivity with the ultra-high-speed network, making the Lumia 900 a potentially better option. But lets not forget that the iPhone 5 will almost undoubtedly come with 4G LTE. And that device could stifle any chance of the Lumia 900 winning out in the mobile market.
9. Theres a higher bar for success
Judging success in the mobile space isnt always easy. Samsungs devices are widely viewed as successful, even though individual product shipments cant match the iPhones. For Nokia, the bar for success is much more difficult to achieve, since the companys device has such high expectations. The Lumia 900 is supposed to be the iPhone killer. But if it cant come close to achieving that goal, itll be viewed as a loser. And losers just dont kill the top devices in the mobile space.
10. The U.S. is a major liability
Elsewhere around the world, Nokia has done a middling job of succeeding in the mobile space. But in recent years, Nokia has been largely ignored by customers especially in the U.S. who want more advanced devices. Given that, how can anyone think that the Lumia 900 will beat the iPhone? Apple is a hero to American consumers. Lets not forget that.