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2It’s First Out the Gate
3Samsung Is Warning About S 4 Shortages
4Look At the Size of That Display
5Help From the Past
Samsung’s Galaxy S 4 will succeed in large part because of the strong performance of its predecessor, the Galaxy S 3. That device, which is still available, proved to be one of the most successful smartphones of all time and certainly the most popular Android handset. That should only add momentum to the S 4’s sales.
6Apple Is Preparing Another Boring iPhone Update
Apple is expected to unveil its next iPhone, the iPhone 5S, at the Worldwide Developers Conference in June. But here’s the problem: It’s expected to come with only minor updates and the same screen size. That’s unfortunate because the days when Apple fans would automatically fawn over every new iPhone release are over. Apple needs to stop boring customers and giving them something that can match the Galaxy S 4. Unfortunately, it doesn’t appear that that will happen until next year.
7The Software Is Light-Years Ahead
When it comes to software, it’s hard to see why anyone would take issue with Samsung’s Galaxy S 4. The device allows for near-field communication, users can go hands-free to perform tasks, and it’s much easier to navigate than any other design on top of Android. The Galaxy S 4’s software is simply light-years ahead.
8It’s a True Camera Replacement
9No Other Android Device Can Compare
The Galaxy S 4 will also be the best Android handset release this year. The only company that might come even close to what Samsung has achieved is perhaps LG with its high-end line of Optimus handsets. Even that company, though, is hard-pressed to come close to matching Samsung. The Galaxy maker is simply the best of the best when it comes to Android handsets.
10The Design Is Outstanding
11High-Octane Performance
One of the smartest things Samsung did was to bundle a very strong processor into its device. Customers in some countries will be able to get a quad-core chip. Others, however, will have access to an eight-core processor that doubles the quad-core chip’s performance. Don’t think that matters? Take it for a spin with high-end applications and see.