Apple has been awarded $290 million in damages by the U.S. jury tasked with recalculating a disputed portion of the fine owned to the iPhone maker, after a jury this summer found Samsung guilty of infringing on Apple patents.
The figure puts the total damages owed to Apple at around $929 million. During the third quarter of 2013, Samsung posted record-breaking profits, thanks in part to its successful smartphone portfolio, of $9.56 billion.
The original jury awarded Apple $1.05 billion—an amount, it was later decided, that was based on inaccurate calculations. While the jury in August found Samsung to have “willfully” violated seven design and utility patents, including those for the iPhone and iPad, U.S. District Judge Lucy Koh later found that the violations weren’t willful, an important distinction.
On Nov. 12, the companies headed back into the courtroom, where Koh tasked the new jury with doing nothing more than determining the amount of damages owed to Apple.
Koh approved of fines totaling approximately $640 million, putting the rest of the figure in dispute. Apple was seeking a reward of $379.8 million for the remaining fee, while Samsung argued that it owned just $52.7 million more, Reuters reported Nov. 21.
According to the report, Apple brought in Phil Schiller, its senior vice president of worldwide marketing—a public face who often introduces new products at Apple events—to testify during the trial. Samsung didn’t call on any senior executives—a point Apple’s attorney harped on during his closing argument.
Jurors told Reuters that they felt like they’d received far more information from Apple than from Samsung.
“Samsung could’ve come up with a little more evidence,” said one juror, adding that the jurors’ decision was based on evidence.
The jurors were made to delineate the amounts to be paid to Apple, specific to the violating Samsung devices. While a handful of reward amounts were reduced from the original jury’s determinations—such as the Samsung Continuum, for which Apple was originally awarded $16.4 million, but $6.5 million in the retrial—more items saw an increased retrial award and for greater percentages than those that were decreased, according to a form posted to the Foss Patents blog.
The most dramatic change was to the award over the Nexus S 4G, which rose 478 percent, from $1.8 million to $10.6 million, followed by the Galaxy Tab, for which the award rose 385 percent, from $2 million to $9.5 million.
“For Apple, this case has always been about more than patents and money,” Apple said in a statement. “It has been about innovation and the hard work that goes into inventing products that people love. While it’s impossible to put a price tag on those values, we are grateful to the jury for showing Samsung that copying has a cost.”
Samsung, in its statement, declared itself “disappointed” by the decision.
“While we move forward with our post-trial motions and appeals, we will continue to innovate with groundbreaking technologies and great products that are loved by our many customers all around the world,” it added.
Hours after the U.S. verdict, Samsung received more bad news from the courts. A judge in Germany decided to stay a 3G patent in dispute in a Samsung v. Apple case. The judge, reports Foss Patents, has found the patent to be of “doubtful validity.”