American Power Conversion Corp.s InfraStruxure Express mobile data center can deliver power and Internet connectivity when there are no other options.
InfraStruxure Express is a fully operational data center on wheels with up to 500U (875 inches) of rack space to store and power servers.
A fully configured InfraStruxure Express has an estimated price of $1.5 million. APC officials said that the cost of a lease depends on financing options but that companies could expect to pay about $20,000 per month. They added that InfraStruxure Express can be delivered anywhere in the continental United States within three and a half days.
APCs mobile data center is an option for retail businesses and government organizations that need to serve people after a disaster. The trucks on-board diesel generator can provide as much as 400 kilowatts of power, and it has external feeds that can be used to deliver temporary power to buildings.
The on-board cooling is adequate for data center environments, and the trailer is configured with hot and cold aisles for proper heat distribution. InfraStruxure Express can be equipped with a satellite link for Internet connectivity.