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1Dell Nerve Center
2Cool, but It Can Get Intense in There
U2’s IT crew, which has been working together for many years, is in its second year of using Dell’s workstations to control the stage lighting and direct all the live cameras for display on the seven-story video screen. U2 uses fast-paced video sequencing to go with its music, moving back and forth between live video, prerecorded video and customized graphics. There’s constant mixing going on involving all three video elements—for the entire length of the concert.
360,000 U2 Fans See Each Move These Guys Make
Every slight move that is made in the makeshift data center makes a difference onstage at the U2 concert. Graphic depictions of the expanding video screen (center, right) and its backup (left) are constantly being watched, because the huge, seven-story video screen changes size and shape during the show.
4Alien Spaceship, Giant Crustacean, or U2 Stage?
5Quietly on the Sidelines
One of the 15 camera operators (left), whose station is built onto one of the four huge legs of the concert stage, gets set up prior to the concert. The IT control room for the show, featured earlier in this slide show, is inside the small tent just to the right of the cameraman in the picture, just below the press box at Angel Stadium in Anaheim.
6Stage, Close Up
The 54-ton stage, designed and built by specialists in Belgium, resembles either a large spacecraft or a humongous, long-legged crab that encompasses most of a regulation baseball field. Those curved gray masses hanging down are treble-level amplifiers aimed at the audience; the bass amps are located underneath the stage itself, where the band stands. All the stretched fabric and orange “buttons” light up and change colors during the show.
7A Few of the 60K Fans on the Scene
8Going Acoustic
9The Show in Action
10Bono Among His Followers
11The Video Screen Begins Its Transformation
12Starting to Break Apart
13You Can See Where This Is Going
14Stretched Out to the Max
15A Final Overview
The view from the cheaper seats (well, even those still command a nontrivial price) shows the concert spectacle in its entirety.