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1eWEEK Labs Must-Have Tools
2eWEEK Labs Must-Have Tools – Audacity
Whether were combining audio streams, editing long recorded meetings or producing the weekly TestRun podcast, the open-source Audacity provides a simple-to-learn interface that hasn?t required th
3eWEEK Labs Must-Have Tools – Azureus Bittorrent client
4eWEEK Labs Must-Have Tools – Barts Boot Disk
When dealing with an eclectic variety of systems, sometimes all you want to do is boot to DoOS and have system and network access. The free Barts Boot Disk has been a lifesaver in this respect, allowi
5eWEEK Labs Must-Have Tools – Dreamweaver
Whether were working on HTML, JSP, PHP, ASP or any other Web development script, Dreamweaver has essentially become synonymous with building for the Web.
6eWEEK Labs Must-Have Tools – Filezilla
The well-designed and easy-to-use Filezilla FTP client makes file transfers a snap. With support for SFTP, Filezilla also makes transfers secure.
7eWEEK Labs Must-Have Tools – Gaim
For serious IM users, the open-source Gaim supports the Big Three public networks and ICQ (I Seek You) and IRC (Internet Relay Chat), as well as corporate instant messaging protocols such as XMPP, IBM
8eWEEK Labs Must-Have Tools – Ghost
When you work in a lab with many different systems and you constantly need to have clean systems running a variety of operating systems and configurations, Norton Ghost is the ul
9eWEEK Labs Must-Have Tools – Gimp
Photoshop partisans may disagree, but The Gimp has served us awfully well in our screen-shot grabbing and prepping operations. Whats more, this free, cross-platform-friendly image-editing application can bui
10eWEEK Labs Must-Have Tools – Iometer
11eWEEK Labs Must-Have Tools – iPerf
The National Laboratory for Applied Network Researchs iPerf is invaluable for performing quick network performance tests of wired and wireless networks alike. Although not as fully featured
12eWEEK Labs Must-Have Tools – Kismet/NetStumbler
Whether you need to identify possible rogue or interfering wireless access points, or simply find an open WLAN for a little free Internet, NetStumbler (on Windows) or Kismet (on Linux) provide great in
13eWEEK Labs Must-Have Tools – Knoppix
All you need is a system and a CD drive, and you can have a capable Linux distribution up and running in seconds–no hard drive required. In any testing environment, Knoppix can be a r
14eWEEK Labs Must-Have Tools – LogMeIn
A free remote-control application delivered as a service, LogMeIn is useful for working with vendors to troubleshoot a problem because it provides good session control and security. Premium services are als
15eWEEK Labs Must-Have Tools – Metasploit
When it comes time to gauge the effectiveness of security systems, one of the only ways to really test something is to act like a bad guy. The Metasploit Project makes it possible to do exhaustive penet
16eWEEK Labs Must-Have Tools – Nagios
Like a heart monitor for your network systems, Nagios lets us easily monitor our networks for potential problems.
17eWEEK Labs Must-Have Tools – Nero 7
Now functional for all kinds of non-work-related things, like video editing and encoding or photo and music organization, Nero is still invaluable for ripping off ISOs to use with VMWare or archiving data to
18eWEEK Labs Must-Have Tools – Nessus
The core on which many commercial vulnerability scanners rely, Nessus is essentially synonymous with vulnerability scanning.
19eWEEK Labs Must-Have Tools – Net Snippets
A very useful research tool, Net Snippets grabs Web pages and text and images from document formats such as e-mail, Microsoft Word and PDF. The free version allows individuals to collect, organize and
20eWEEK Labs Must-Have Tools – Nmap
The first step in managing and securing networks is knowing what you have. Nmap makes it possible to quickly scan and audit network resources.
21eWEEK Labs Must-Have Tools – OneNote
There are many simple ways to type up notes, but Microsoft OneNotes ability to combine simple note taking with audio recording and good organization tools makes it indispensa
22eWEEK Labs Must-Have Tools – Prime95
When we test power consumption, we use the torture-test feature in Prime95;a transaction-intensive, Windows-based application used by GIMPS (Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search);to max out ou
23eWEEK Labs Must-Have Tools – Power meter/data logger
These days, server purchases increasingly are made on their performance-per-watt capabilities, which is why we rely on a power meter to collect power-consumption data. The product we use, from Extech, captu
24eWEEK Labs Must-Have Tools – Putty
With a simple Windows executable (no install necessary), Putty allows users to easily get command-line access to SSH-secured Linux and Unix systems.
25eWEEK Labs Must-Have Tools – Small GigE switches/routers
Enterprise networking in a bag. Whenever we need to build a fast network in a remote location or separate systems from our main test network, these small, 16-port switches are a big step up from the old days, when we would load routers, switches and hubs