On Tuesday, Sept 20, at 11 AM PT, @eWEEKNews will host its monthly #eWEEKChat. The topic will be The Future of Edge Computing, and it will be moderated by James Maguire, eWEEK’s Editor-in-Chief.
We’ll discuss – using Twitter – the rapid development and challenges of edge computing. How can we manage and invest in edge now so that we can leverage its greatest future potential?
How to Participate: On Twitter, use the hashtag #eWEEKChat to follow/participate in the discussion. But it’s easier and more efficient to use the real-time chat room link at CrowdChat.
Instructions are on the Edge Future Tweetchat page: Log in at the top right, use your Twitter handle to register. The chat begins promptly at 11 AM PT. The page will come alive at that time with the real-time discussion. You can join in or simply watch the discussion as it flows.
Special Guests: The Future of Edge Computing
The list of experts for this month’s Tweetchat currently includes the following – please check back for additional expert guests:
- Ian Russ, Technology Strategist, BMC
- Charlie Ashton, Senior Director of Business Development, Napatech
- Mark Thiele, CEO and Founder, Edgevana
- Lakshmi Sharma, CPO, Fastly
- Bruce Kornfeld, Chief Marketing and Product Officer, StorMagic
- Chris Ehrlich, Managing Editor, Datamation
- James Maguire, Editor-in-Chief, eWeek [moderator]
Chat room real-time link: Go to the Crowdchat page. Sign in with your Twitter handle and use #eweekchat for the identifier.
Tweetchat Questions: Edge Computing’s Future
The questions we’ll tweet about will include – check back for more/ revised questions:
- How would you describe the current state of the edge computing? Nascent, still growing, at peak?
- What key trends are driving edge computing here in 2022?
- What are the most challenging edge computing issues that are shaping its future?
- How do you recommend fixing the challenge you pointed out?
- So, Big Question #1 of 2: What do you see as the future of edge computing over the next 2-4 years?
- As the future of edge is shaped, is security being adequately addressed?
- What’s a big myth associated with edge computing and its future?
- So, Big Question #2 of 2: What do you see as the long term future of edge computing, say a decade plus?
What else is important about edge computing – what else should companies be aware of?
Go here for CrowdChat information.
#eWEEKchat Tentative Schedule for 2022*
July 19: Getting Started with Low Code / No Code
Aug 16: Overcoming Multicloud Challenges
Sept 20: The Future of Edge Computing
Oct 18: Optimizing Your Data Analytics Practice
Nov 15: Building Your AI Deployment
Dec 13: Enterprise Tech in 2023
*all topics subjects to change