Expanding its applications reach, Lawson Software announced Monday that its Enterprise Resource Planning apps will be available on Hewlett-Packard Co.s Intel Itanium 2-based Integrity servers this fall.
HP, of Palo Alto, Calif., announced the new servers Monday.
Initially customers will be able to run Lawsons 8 Series applications on the newest HP platform using the HP-UX Unix operating system.
Lawson said it can accept license contracts for applications running on the Itanium 2 servers beginning today and expects to be able to deliver the apps by fall.
Lawson is looking to the health care and retail markets as primary users that should benefit from the marriage with HP.
With health care providers operating in a market of declining reimbursement levels and tougher operating margins for retailers, the improved performance and scalability of Lawson apps on the Itanium 2 servers (over the older RISC chip architecture) should be a boon, officials said.
Headquartered in St. Paul, Minn., Lawson makes ERP and business process software for the mid-market.