1. Continue to Virtualize Everything
Last year, we reduced our energy bills in the data center by 5 percent, consolidated over 100 servers and reduced the time to provision new servers-and none of our customers know the difference. There’s nothing not to like about virtualization, and now it’s time for us to tackle the PC/desktop.
2. Market and Sell the Updated Technology Strategic Plan
It’s complete and was presented a couple of times to the executive team, but nobody has really internalized or grasped how it will change their business. MDC’s Technology Strategic Plan is a high-level vision for how emerging technologies will enable the college to reach its strategic objectives. It also discusses technology mega-trends and how they will impact the college over the next five years. It will form the basis for prioritizing and funding future initiatives.
3. Push for Shared Services
The economic crisis makes it a great time to knock down political and cultural barriers. Also, the cloud is close to being ready, and will help us to enable shared services. The technology-SOA, SAAS, virtualization, Web services, etc.-has matured to the point that it isn’t the major barrier to implementing shared services.
4. Keep Analyzing That Looming ERP Replacement
It’s a bad time to start a risky project with a huge price tag that nobody wants to do. But we have to be ready for the eventual economic upturn, and we must modernize our administrative systems to remain competitive and efficient.
5. Centralize as Much as Possible
All open positions are frozen, and we can’t even replace people who retire/leave. There’s no easier way to do more with less than standardization and centralization.