Find stuff on mobile media with Gaviri PocketSearch
This 5MB search engine goes where you go
by Daniel P. Dern (
Vendor: Gaviri Technologies Inc. Product Name: Gaviri Pocket Search Price (MSRP): $19.95 per instance, bulk licenses available Availability: Now, including as U3/Smart application Product URL:
Tech Requirements: Program can reside on mobile media (USB flash, etc),
runs on Win XP/2000. Version 2.1 available soon for Mac, Linux, Unix.
You may have a good desktop search on your desktop system — but if you’ve ever wanted to look for stuff on your flash drives or
other removable media/drives, that doesn’t do you much good.
Gaviri’s 5MB-sized PocketSearch portable search engine can not only be
stored on a flash or removable drive letting you carry your media/device
search engine with you, it can be run from that location, as a
“portable app,” meaning it doesn’t need to be installed again, and it won’t leave traces of its work behind on the computer.
You can search multiple drives/media at the same time, if GPS is also installed on the other targets. (A ten-device license costs only $49.95.)
GPS currently runs on Windows XP/2000. GPS 2.1 will be ported over Mac, Linux and Unix once it’s out of beta, according to Haroon Chohan,
Gaviri’s VP of Operations.
Versions of GPS are available for U3/Smart ( and Ceedo ( USB “portable run-on-the-drive” techonlogies. See my U3 USB review,
“U3’s USB Drives Carry Programs Along with Data,”
When you crank it up, Gaviri floats a small, moveable mini-toolbar on your screen.
Once you enter a search term and click, Gaviri shows results in a larger window.
Results are clickable — and for text, if you don’t have an application to open
the document, Pocket Search can extract the text.
File types that GPS can index include text, HTML, music, video, and most of the office suites such as Microsoft office, StarOffice, OpenOffice,
KOffice, PDFs and a variety of other file formats, according to Gaviri.
Also, GPS can index/search in any language, and you can set the UI to
use any of 14 languages (with more on the way).