Like most knowledge workers, I spend a lot of time searching for information on Google. And it can be frustrating when a results link looks to be useful, but when I click on the link, it turns out to be a site aggregator or something not even related to the search topic.
In these cases, it would be useful to have some way to actually see the Web page before clicking on it. This is exactly what GooglePreview does.
A free extension to the Firefox browser, GooglePreview let me view thumbnail views of the linked Web sites in my Google searches. With this tool enabled, I could quickly see the actual page linked to the result.
GooglePreview pulls the thumbnail views from and Not every result in my searches showed a preview, and to get GooglePreview to work properly, I had to delete the regular cookie that Google placed in my browser.
Still, I found the free GooglePreview to be a real timesaver, and, like most Firefox extensions, it works on all platforms that Firefox runs on.
GooglePreview, along with many other extensions, can be found at