Softchain Inc. next week will introduce the next iteration of its Collaborative Planner suite of applications.
Designed for product manufacturers, their customers and suppliers, Collaborative Planner 2.0 is a suite of Web-based modules that enable partners across a complex, multi-tier supply chain to interact on planning arrangements.
Through the collaborative planning process, partners work to produce a single demand signal that ultimately mitigates the chances of a big drop in demand or excess inventory.
Collaborative Planner 2.0 has two new modules, Demand Collaborator and Supply Collaborator, as well as a new Collaboration Engine. The upgrade also works in conjunction with supply chain management software from Oracle Corp., SAP AG and i2 Technologies, according to Softchain officials, in Burlingame, Calif.
The Demand Collaborator module allows customers, sales professionals and demand planners in various companies to access information in the forecasting process, including sales-to-forecast performance, previously committed supply and supplier capabilities.
Demand Collaborator comes equipped with a full suite of collaboration tools like online conferencing and data-linked messaging.
With Supply Collaborator managers can coordinate partners supply plans. All tiers of suppliers are able to share product information, capabilities, flexibility agreements and procurement plans. Likewise, users can update their information in real time to align supply to demand signals, officials said.
The Collaboration Engine orchestrates the demand forecasting and supply planning lifecycle.
Collaborative Planner 2.0 will be available next week.