Usually, when we do a Build It story, we piece together a rig for a very definite purpose. Typically, the idea is to choose an aggressive price and show our readers how a little careful shopping and part selection can come together to make an impressive…something. Perhaps its a Digital Audio Workstation, an inexpensive gaming PC, or a cheap Web-surfing rig. These have been well-received, but this time we wanted to do something a bit different.
In our forums, the feedback to some of our past Build It features was positive overall, but a common question kept resurfacing: What if I dont want a PC optimized for a single purpose? What if I want to edit digital photos, perform offline 3D rendering, play games, record TV, watch DVDs, rip and listen to music, and maybe do a little home recording?
Well if thats the kind of PC youre looking for, this article is for you. Obviously no inexpensive PC is going to have what it takes to do everything, but well take a stab at it anyway.
To read the full story and to get the guidelines ExtremeTech followed in pricing out their $1,500 do-it-all PC, click here.
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