A gift every “Dad and Grad” in your life is sure to enjoy is a lovely 20-inch widescreen LCD. Thats because even a powerful desktop with the latest components isnt much fun if your monitor isnt up to snuff.
In fact, a mighty PC possessing Hercules 3-D graphics and an excellent CPU will always appear humdrum when operated through a small, outdated LCD.
Likewise, a fancy monitor is certain to add appeal and enjoyment to an otherwise aging system.
If you get one with a TV tuner, it can double as your TV, too, saving precious dorm room space. And the best part is, youll likely pay less than you think for such luxury.
When choosing a widescreen monitor, you should look for one with a wide selection of ports to connect to various devices around your home.
For example, many modern LCDs now feature both analog VGA and digital HDMI inputs to accommodate old and new graphics cards.
And if youre lucky your monitor will also sport component video inputs for attaching game consoles and other consumer electronics.