For those of you who have been waiting for someone to cram a quad-core processor into a notebook, your time has come. Intel announced over the weekend of Dec. 27 the launch of a new mobile quad-core chip, the Q9000, which PC maker Acer is selling in its Aspire 8930G-7665 notebook.
Designed for multimedia and gaming enthusiasts on the go, the chip utilizes four processing cores, 6MB of shared Level 2 cache, a 1066 MHz front side bus and clock speed rates up to 2.0GHz. Along with the quad-core mobile processing power, the notebook brings high-definition functionality. The chip is backed by a three-year warranty and the notebook is backed by a one-year warranty.
The notebook PC features an 18.4-inch HD CineCrystal widescreen 1920 by 1080 pixel display, with an 18-inch widescreen, 16:9 aspect ratio for improved color and visual detail. Acer has also thrown in a Blu-ray Disc player, Dolby audio and an Nvidia GeForce 9700M GT graphics card with 512GB of memory. Acer claims all these features provide a “cinematic” experience filled with rich video and sound.
Other features include built-in Wi-Fi support, a Webcam, a six-in-one media card reader, 4GB of dual-channel memory and Windows Vista Premium. The manufacturer suggested retail price is $1,799.95.
“By incorporating the latest capabilities of Intel’s Core 2 Quad mobile processors into the Aspire 8930G-7665, Acer is delivering a perfect combination of mobility, innovation and extreme gaming capabilities,” Sumit Agnihotry, vice president of product marketing for Acer America, said in a statement. “Gamers and enthusiasts who enjoy HD multimedia entertainment will find the performance benefits of quad-core mobile performance in the Aspire 8930G unrivaled [by] other multimedia notebooks on the market.”
Intel also announced the launch of four other four dual-core chips, the 2.93-GHz T9800, selling for $530, the 2.66-GHz P9600, selling for $348, the 2.66-GHz T9550, selling for $316, and the 2.53-GHz P8700, selling for $241.