1Samsung Galaxy Player: Android Multimedia Tablet in Two Flavors
by Nicholas Kolakowski
2Samsung Galaxy Player 50
The Samsung Galaxy Player 50, smaller than the Galaxy Player, features a 3.2-inch screen, the Android 2.1 (“??½clair”) operating system and a tiny form factor.
3Start Screen
The Galaxy Player 50’s start screen bears a strong resemblance to that of Android smartphones.
4Battery Life
Samsung suggests the Galaxy Player 50’s battery is good for 24 hours’ worth of music and 5 hours worth of video.
5FM Radio
The Samsung Galaxy Player boasts an FM radio, complete with a virtual “dial.”
The Galaxy Player 50’s 2-megapixel camera.
7Music Selection
Presumably, Google’s rumored plans to introduce an online music store will bear a heavy influence on Android-based devices.
8Music Playback
If the Galaxy Player’s music-control screen and buttons seem familiar, that’s because it’s basically the same format used by digital music players since their inception.
9Samsung Galaxy Player
The full-size Galaxy Player bears a striking resemblance to the Samsung Galaxy S smartphone, with a 4-inch touch screen and full support for Adobe Flash 10.1.
The Galaxy Player features front- and rear-facing cameras for video conferencing, provided you find a WiFi hot spot. It runs Android 2.2.
11Full Multimedia
Samsung is angling the Galaxy Player as a full multimedia device capable of playing video, music and apps—in other words, a direct competitor to Apple’s iPod Touch.
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