Hey there, here are your top news stories from eWEEK, sponsored by Dell and Intel.
Hewlett-Packard unveiled the Sprout immersive computing platform on Oct. 29. This brings together a scanner, depth sensor, high-resolution camera and projector to create an integrated device that officials said will enable users to merge physical objects into a digital workspace.
What’s more, the company announced its expected entrance to the 3D printing market with the unveiling of the Multi Jet Fusion system, which officials said will print objects 10 times faster than current offerings and at a lower cost.
Twitter and IBM recently announced a landmark partnership that will help transform how businesses and institutions understand their customers, markets and trends to provide data that supports business decision.
The alliance brings together public opinion data gleaned from Twitter posts and IBM’s cloud-based analytics, customer engagement platforms and consulting services. IBM plans to offer Twitter data as part of select cloud-based services backed by IBM Watson Analytics.
Microsoft recently announced at its TechEd Europe 2014 conference that Microsoft Open Technologies is launching an iOS SDK and releasing a new version of the Android SDK.
This is part of its efforts to make the Office 365 APIs as seamless as possible for mobile developers. Microsoft Senior Technical Evangelist Doug Mahugh recommended that Android Studio developers check out the MS Open Tech Tools plug-in for IntelliJ and Android Studio.
While Verizon Wireless began including Unique Identifying Headers in the address information of incoming Internet data requests from Verizon customers about two years ago, the controversy continues about whether the practice intrudes on user privacy.
Critics of the practice say that UIDHs can ultimately allow Web servers to build profiles of users when their mobile devices generate the tokens, but now Verizon is vigorously denying that the information can be used to identify an individual user.
“We do not use the UIDH to create customer profiles” nor does Verizon use it “to track where customers go on the Web”, Adria Tomaszewski, a Verizon Wireless spokeswoman, wrote in an Oct. 28 email reply to an inquiry from eWEEK.
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