1Why Microsoft Ultimately Will Triumph Over Google (and Vice Versa)
Why Microsoft Ultimately Will Triumph Over Google (and Vice Versa)
2Why Microsoft Ultimately Will Triumph Over Google (and Vice Versa) – 1. Inertia
The installed base of Windows and related application software creates so much inertia that Google will never be able to overcome it.
3Why Microsoft Ultimately Will Triumph Over Google (and Vice Versa) – 2. Blended Computing
– As the software-as-a-service and on-premise software computing models continue to converge, Microsoft is in a better position to create the most value from that convergence.
4Why Microsoft Ultimately Will Triumph Over Google (and Vice Versa) – 3. Vertical Markets
As the value proposition of business computing continues to shift toward vertical market expertise to create solutions for markets such as health care, Microsofts consulting capabilities will start to tell.
5Why Microsoft Ultimately Will Triumph Over Google (and Vice Versa) – 4. Managed Services
Increasingly, customers dont want to manage their own IT infrastructure, giving Microsoft a strategic advantage over Google because of its remote management tools and extensive partner network.
6Why Microsoft Ultimately Will Triumph Over Google (and Vice Versa) – 5. Algorithm Complexity
At the end of the day, Google has established a brand around a set of search algorithms that arent all that relatively complex, which means that with time and effort, Microsoft will be able to replicate and then enhance the model.
7Why Microsoft Ultimately Will Triumph Over Google (and Vice Versa) – 6. Developer Base
As we increasingly move into the world of Web 2.0 and beyond, Microsoft has an army of third-party developers that it has yet to call on to battle Google.
8Why Microsoft Ultimately Will Triumph Over Google (and Vice Versa) – 7. Mobile Computing
Handheld devices are the new remote controls of the Internet, and Microsoft has a significant edge to be one of the major mobile computing platform providers.
9Why Microsoft Ultimately Will Triumph Over Google (and Vice Versa) – 8. Technical Support
Although Microsoft may not inspire a lot of confidence in this category, it still spends billions of dollars on an activity that most end users cant do without.
10Why Microsoft Ultimately Will Triumph Over Google (and Vice Versa) – 9. Fortitude
Microsoft has already demonstrated its willingness to buy everything it needs to be successful in the war with Google.
11Why Microsoft Ultimately Will Triumph Over Google (and Vice Versa) – 10. Experience
Microsofts senior leadership team has battle-scarred veterans from the wars with Apple, Netscape and Lotus, so the war with Google is just another in a series of long-running campaigns.
12Why Microsoft Ultimately Will Triumph Over Google (and Vice Versa)
Why Microsoft Ultimately Will Triumph Over Google (and Vice Versa)
13Why Microsoft Ultimately Will Triumph Over Google (and Vice Versa) – 1. Ad Revenue Model
This approach to funding software development creates an almost inexhaustible supply of high-margin, recurring revenue that can be used to back an untold number of software projects.
14Why Microsoft Ultimately Will Triumph Over Google (and Vice Versa) – 2. Software as a Service
The move toward software as a service, particularly in the area of collaboration software, is providing Google with enough momentum to stave off any challenge on the software front, especially if it starts to acquire companies such as Salesforce.com.
15Why Microsoft Ultimately Will Triumph Over Google (and Vice Versa) – 3. Data Center Infrastructure
Google is quietly building a global network of data centers that will power the next generation of IP-driven multimedia applications.
16Why Microsoft Ultimately Will Triumph Over Google (and Vice Versa) – 4. YouTube
The acquisition of this site gives Google a platform for video content that is going to be the fastest-growing medium on the Web. That content will eventually include training videos alongside home movies.
17Why Microsoft Ultimately Will Triumph Over Google (and Vice Versa) – 5. Web Presence
Google has already established itself as a de facto homepage for millions, while Microsofts MSN efforts still pale compared to rivals.
18Why Microsoft Ultimately Will Triumph Over Google (and Vice Versa) – 6. Government
Governments across the globe are embracing Google as counter balance to the potential threat of a Microsoft monopoly.
19Why Microsoft Ultimately Will Triumph Over Google (and Vice Versa) – 7. Pricing
Google software and services are available at comparatively nominal costs compared to Microsoft licensing fees.
20Why Microsoft Ultimately Will Triumph Over Google (and Vice Versa) – 8. Espirit de Corp
Google has managed to attract some of the best and brightest minds to work for a company that has a far less structured approach to product development.
21Why Microsoft Ultimately Will Triumph Over Google (and Vice Versa) – 9. Security
While its hard to say that Google has a definitively better approach to security than Microsoft, its pretty clear that Microsofts reputation in this area is a plus for Google.
22Why Microsoft Ultimately Will Triumph Over Google (and Vice Versa) – 10. The Long Tail
Google has yet to make a significant inroad into the world of e-commerce, dominated by companies such as e-Bay, but its pretty clear Google has ambitions in this space that, given its Web presence, it is likely to fulfill before Microsoft.
23Why Microsoft Ultimately Will Triumph Over Google (and Vice Versa) – See More Slideshows Like This One
See more slideshows like this one!
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