Security Reference Guide > Stealing Your Family Vacation: Memories of a Media CardA very interesting piece — the formatted memory cards you sell or otherwise discard can contain recoverable media, and the authors of this story went and recovered some of it…(tags: security)
Writing Your Own Shell LG #111For extra credit.(tags: linux programming)
Bash Guide for Beginners(tags: linux newbie shell)
Virtual LinuxReminds me of something I heard at a Sun event, “Why go to work at a Linux firm to work on problems that Sun solved in the 80’s when you can come to Sun and work on problems that IBM solved in the 60’s?” Anyhow, this is an excellent virtualization primer.(tags: virtualization linux)
Computerworld > Open source personal tracking system gets first test“An open source wireless tracking system for following people around buildings got its first public use last week at the Chaos Communication Congress in Berlin.” Seems a bit creepy to me, but I suppose it could be handy in a trade show-type scenario.(tags: wireless)
Science & Technology at Scientific American.com: A Robot in Every HomeAn article by Bill Gates about robots — this link is to page four, where it gets a bit interesting. Microsoft has built a programming toolkit for writing the sort of software that drives robots. Sounds good, but what’re the licensing terms?(tags: microsoft robot)
Ian Murdock: Software installation on Linux Can Get Better“…our goal is to create a vibrant third party software ecosystem around Linux–you know, like the one Microsoft has built around Windows.” Sounds good. I’ve signed up for the linux packaging standardization mailing list…(tags: linux standards)
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