For the second day in a row, I’ve briefed with a system/app/network/storage management company that claims to have found the El Dorado: fully automated IT management. This time it’s Netuitive, which will be launching version 5.5 of several of its products starting in Q2 of this year. They call it a “…predictive IT analytics platform for end-to-end analysis of performance and capacity management in the cloud.”
I don’t want to sound jaded and I haven’t seen these products in action. And I’m not just saying “I don’t want to sound jaded” with a wink. I’m one of those people who loves automated and magical computer things. For those IT managers who still need to maintain and run a private data center, the kinds of tools offered by Netuitive could play a key role in delivering on the promise of increased operational efficiencies.
According to the Netuitive representatives, some of the people who worked on SMARTS can now be found working on this platform. I covered that product almost a decade ago when it was called InCharge. The product used a component called a “Codebook” to perform network event correlation for root cause analysis. InCharge was a good product and the people behind it were wicked smart, which leads me to want to hear what Netuitive has to say.
But even more that hearing from Netuitive, I’m looking for a Netuitive customer to host me for a “Labs on Site” later this year. I won’t ask you to do any performance or weird configuration testing. I just want to come hang out with your operations staff for a couple days and see how the Netuitive products work. The only “catch” is that in order for me to justify the travel budget, I’ll need to be able to publish your company name. Even if you can’t do that, feel free to contact me off the record. I would really like to get some background notes from a field user.