The University of California at Berkeley is using Google Video to deliver college courses free of charge, according to Reuters. The university has placed over 250 hours of video online for the public. They’re also the first institution to have their own branded page. If you’re an education institution, would you rather put your video on YouTube or Google? Hmm.
p.s. I really shouldn’t bring this up, but it’s interesting to note that Harvard and Princeton are having a pissing contest over which school is the social policy leader. First Harvard ends its early admission program, then Princeton. Schools like University of Virginia (great English program) have followed suit, and schools like Cornell (very chilly) are debating the issue. Now when it comes to preening your academic peacock feathers, promoting online video isn’t exactly as stylish (or powerful) as changing early admission policies. But. Won’t it be interesting if universities start choosing sides in the online video wars? Google has a head start with its reputation among scholars…