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2AT&T Digital Life Now in 15 Markets
3Clear Message of Convenience, Connectivity
Among Digital Life’s key differentiators is that a consultant doesn’t need to visit a home to provide a quote. AT&T offers two packages, Simple Security for $29.99 a month or Smart Security for $39.99 a month. With both, there’s a one-time, up-front fee that varies based on what a customer chooses—how many cameras or sensors, for example—but there are no surprises. The complete quote can be created online and adjusted any time.
4Five “Automation Packages” Can Be Added
To the Smart Security option, customers can add any of five automation packages that include cameras inside or outside a home; the ability to control thermostats and appliances and automated locks; water detection and the ability to turn off a water source. These range from an additional $4.99 a month to $9.99 a month. The entire solution is IP-based, runs on AT&T’s 3G network and defaults to a broadband connection.
5From Door Locks to Thermostats
6The Digital Life Door Package
7Not Fear, Convenience
Kevin Petersen, senior vice president of AT&T Digital Life, said that AT&T’s message is that Digital Life “is connecting you to what means most to you on your terms. We’re not leading with fear, with what you see in [security ads], with people in ski masks. We’re addressing the problem of giving you something you don’t have today … in a simple, intuitive and meaningful way.”
8Mobile Apps
9Customization, Personalization Are Keys
10As Much a Life Complement as a Security System
Digital Life can also be customized around three types of programs: notifications (you decide what to be alerted to, and how), scheduled tasks (such as telling the thermostat to adjust in the evening) and connected activities. The latter brings together certain devices. For example, if a sensor picks up on movement, a light can be told to turn on and a camera to begin filming.
11Custom Views
Various scheduled tasks, as in the other areas, can be further customized into things like Vacation Mode, Morning Routine or Coming Home. The latter might include things like readying the home for the family’s return by turning on lights, adjusting the temperature and maybe turning on an appliance, like a rice cooker.