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2Black Hat on Caesar
3NSA Director General Keith Alexander
The head of the NSA, General Keith Alexander, used the Black Hat keynote podium as the medium to defend and explain his organization’s activities, including PRISM. He was heckled at the end of his keynote by an individual who told him to “read the Constitution.” Alexander promptly replied, “I have, and so should you.”
4What NASA Can Teach Us About Innovation
Brian Muirhead, the chief engineer of the NASA Jet Propulsion Lab delivered the Day Two keynote at Black Hat. He advised attendees to “take risks, but do not fail.”
5Ed Snowden: Hero or Villain?
With the NSA Chief at Black Hat, lots of attendees had differing views on his arch-nemesis, former contractor Edward Snowden. One Black Hat exhibitor FileTrek ran a poll to see if people thought he was a hero or a villain. On the last day of the event, the poll was an even 50-50.
6And the Pwnie Goes To …
Ed Snowden didn’t just show up as a cardboard cut-out on the Black Hat show floor, he also won the award for epic 0wnage at the annual Pwnie Awards for the top hacking achievements of the year.
7Booting the Booters
Lance James, chief scientist at security firm Vigilant detailed the shadowy world of booters, DDoS attackers for hire, who took the site of his friend, security blogger Brian Krebs, offline.
8Plug-In. We Dare You.
At the DEF CON conference, several USB “free chargers” for mobile devices were deployed. The deployment came just a day after researchers revealed new USB-powered attacks against mobile devices. Such attacks can infect an Apple iOS device through USB chargers, and there is no patch yet.
9Pineapple WiFi Hacking
10Wall of Sheep
12Chilling Out at DEF CON
It’s not all hacking and listening to people talk at DEF CON. A big part of the event is always the people aspect and hanging out in the Chill Out room listening to techno beat music.