The second anniversary of the devastating attacks at the World Trade Center has come and gone, but the psychological and economic effects on downtown New York and beyond still linger. In technology circles, the terms “disaster recovery” and “business continuity” are thrown around as buzz-words. For those who experienced the attacks and the aftermath, moving back downtown has been an infrastructure project of historic proportions.
This case study offers analysis of two New York companies with global reach whose very infrastructure was embedded into downtown New York and which have both dealt with disaster recovery and business continuity every day for years. These reports look at security issues in totality including: current IT and information sharing challenges at the FBI, a corporate security officers take on individual employee behavior, the significance of physical security, and a profile of a successful vulnerability-assessment company.
In This Report:
- Verizon: Reconnecting (Baseline)
- New York Board of Trade: Going Home (Baseline)
- FBI: Under the Gun (Baseline)
- Science Applications Intl Corp.: Looking for Lapses (CIO Insight)
- Social Engineering for Security (CIO Insight)
Resources and Related Links:
- Why U.S. Seaports Arent Safe (Baseline)
- Re-Engineering Security (CIO Insight)
- How to Improve Your IT Security Policy: A Six Sigma Approach (CIO Insight)
- Insuring Security (CIO Insight)