Shortcomings seen in WLAN security
Next time your enterprise is hacked, one place to look for security holes should be your WLAN. According to Gartner Inc., in Stamford, Conn., 30 percent of enterprises by the end of next year will suffer serious security exposures from deploying wireless LANs without implementing proper security.
While more than 50 percent of enterprises have plans to buy and install wireless LAN systems, Gartner said that at least 20 percent of enterprises already have WLANs running, installed by users unbeknown to their IT staffs.
Until next-generation security standards are set for WLAN systems, Gartner recommends that organizations require IP Security virtual private network software to be run over all WLAN connections.
U.S. workers palm ever more PDAs
Day runner organizer devotees, watch out.
According to Cahners In-Stat Group, in Scottsdale, Ariz., 47 percent of the U.S. work force will have wireless and/or mobile computing devices such as PalmPilots and personal digital assistants by years end.
In addition, the ranks of mobile computing device users is expected to grow to 60 percent of U.S. workers by 2004, with small-company employees accounting for the largest group of wireless users.
In this year alone, U.S. businesses are expected to spend nearly $37 billion on wireless communications services. This number is expected to reach nearly $74 billion by 2005.