Here are links to key reports, white papers and other research on homeland security and how marine terminals play a key role.
- Brookings Institution: “Protecting The American Homeland.“
- Rand: “Seacurity: Improving the Security of the Global Sea-Container Shipping System.“
- Unisys White Paper: “A Safe Commerce Blueprint: Securing Your Inbound Supply Chain.”
- Sen. Fritz Hollings (D-SC) and Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) letter to GAO Comptroller General David M. Walker citing concern that the Bush administration is failing to adequately address port security mandates.
- General Accounting Office report: “Container Security: Expansion of Key Customs Programs Will Require Greater Attention to Critical Success Factors.“
- Bureau of Customs and Border Protection report: “ACE & Modernization: Overview of Key Features For the Trade.”
- American Association of Port Authorities comments on Coast Guards maritime security regulations.
- Congressional Research Service: “Homeland Security: Coast Guard Operations – Background and Issues for Congress.“
- The Port and Maritime Security Act.
- U.S. Coast Guard site on homeland security.
- Port of Oakland: Facts and figures.